315 S Missouri
Jackson, MO 63755
(573) 243-9513

Jackson High School Gym

Jackson High School has a long-standing tradition of excellence in athletics. Our athletics programs focus on achievement through team work and honorable play. 


Russell Hawkins Jr. High Athletic Calendar


2024-25 JHS Spring Sports Try-Out Schedule

*All athletes must have an up to date Pre-participation Medical Eligibility form (1 page) plus the Pre-participation Annual Requirements documentation form (3 pages) completed before they can practice or try out on.

The most up to date forms can be found on the MSHSAA website at https://www.mshsaa.org/SportsMedicine/ under the MSHSAA Resources tab.

 You may also find the required forms on our website at https://shs.jacksonr2schools.com/athletics/athletic_forms

*JHS Boys Baseball:  The JV/Varsity Baseball team tryouts will be March 3 and 4 from 3:30 – 6:30 pm followed by the Freshman tryouts at 6:30 – 8:30 pm at the Jackson Indian Stadium.  In case of inclement weather tryouts will be held at the Jr. High.

*JHS Boys Golf:  Boys Golf tryouts will begin on March 3 at 3:30 pm at the Kimbeland Country Club.  Click here for important tryout information as well as a QR code in order to stay connected through the Band App.

*JHS Girls Soccer:  The JV/Varsity Girls Soccer tryouts will be March 3 – 7 from 3:15 – 5:30 pm at the JHS Soccer Field on the Jr. High campus.

* JHS Boys Tennis:  Boys Tennis tryouts will begin March 3 from 3:30 – 5:30 pm at the Jackson City Park upper tennis courts located above the swimming pool. 

*JHS Boys & Girls Track and Field:  Track will begin on March 3.  On the first day please meet directly after school in the Old Gym, you will then go to the track at the Jr. High campus until 5:30 pm.  Click here for the off-season training schedule as well as a QR code in order to stay connected through the Band App.

Click here to view JHS Athletic Tryout Dates 2025-26

Useful Links

The Jackson R-2 School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs, activities or employment practices.